We want to cover

Lie groups, lie algebras, representations

Differential Geometry (special attention to Riemannian Geometry)

Applications to Deep learning

Applications to Neuroscience

Look over each of these books (or add ones you find) and take note of which ones you prefer.

We'll compare notes and discuss next time!

Books, outlines, and papers (review this)

Original Overview Document 4154

The following are pulled directly from the original overview doc above:

Lie Theory Books

Group-Theoretical Methods in Image Understanding


Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Representations

Brian C. Hall

Diff Geom Books

Elementary Differential Geometry

Barrett O’Neill

An Introduction to Smooth Manifolds

John M. Lee

An Introduction to Manifolds

Loring W. Tu

Links Below


Also this one:


Content Brainstorm

Theory & Books